As a board-certified advanced practitioner in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, Jeremy Ponds uses this approach with his clients to help him provide the very best care on a deeper level than perhaps the standard approach to nutrition counseling.

But what exactly does that mean?


First, integrative nutrition uses a personalized, holistic approach to treat the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. By looking at the big picture of health, and making recommendations that incorporate the client’s WHOLE life, this approach leads to a more effective outcome and becomes a much more enjoyable and fruitful path for practitioner and client alike.

Functional nutrition is the art of combining integrative therapies with an understanding of the function of the body on a metabolic, biochemical and cellular level to provide evidence-based nutritional therapy for illness and disease. Functional nutrition is focused on finding the root causes of illness or imbalance and helping the body to heal itself by removing obstacles and replenishing needed nutrients.

Jeremy is a practitioner of integrative and functional nutrition and is a member of Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine (DIFM). Information regarding DIFM and their approach to nutrition can be found here: